Reasons People Seek Quantum Healing Hypnosis

Not one path to healing or enlightenment is the same. There are similarities, but definitely not identical. Hypnosis is not a new modality. People are starting to seek alternatives to get to the root cause of their concerns, and using hypnosis to get there more and more. What sets Quantum Healing Hypnosis apart is the ability to address many problems at once, and find out “the why”. Once the”why” is known, healing can then take place.

QHHT is completely non-invasive and side-effect-free and will continue to provide people with the means to live a better and more rewarding life.

Hypnosis isn’t just a fad, it’s a growing field and is quickly making its presence known. It’s a valuable tool that works and can be used for a range of issues. These are a few reasons that QHHT is sought out. Our Higher Self is limitless in its ability to assist us.

Life Purpose

This is the Golden question. A lot of us have a feeling of “knowing there is more for me”. Why not get a bit of help with what that “more” is?

Explore Past Lives

Our souls remember, even though our human minds cannot. There is a reason why you are attracted to a particular architecture, why you repeat certain behaviors, and why certain people are in your life.

Weight Loss/Management

Yes, there is even a reason why you are holding onto the weight.

Spiritual Connections

Learn who you have Soul contracts with, who is in your soul group, and reconnect with Source/God.

Clear Mental Blocks

Take away that mental fog. See life in a whole new way.

Health Concerns

Instantaneous healing for dis-ease, and discomforts the body has. Our amazing vessels are not meant to have an illness. We have what we need to heal ourselves if we just get out of our own way.

Trauma Healing

From lifetime to lifetime, our soul memories and experiences are stored within our cells and DNA, and we carry our lessons into our next life.

Clear Karmic Energy

Karma is balance. There is always a cause and effect. The scales must always be balanced to clear that energy and move forward.

Chakra Balancing

Our wheels of spinning energy correspond to certain nerve bundles and major organs. To function at their best, your chakras need to stay open, or balanced.

Meet Your Spirit Guides

We are never left alone through our journey through life.

ET Experiences

It is possible to have a parallel life as an ET. Explore questions about ET sightings and visits.


A soulmate comes in many forms. They can be a parent, friend, or lover.


There is a reason why you are experiencing that addiction, it’s time to find out why.

Understanding Dreams

Our guides speak to us through our dreams

Simple Curiosity

Simply being curious is a fabulous reason to time travel.

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